Friday, November 23, 2007

Trees and garland for all!

We had such a good Thanksgiving feast yesterday. Wonderful family friends, really good gluten-free food for H., and tons of laughter and silly games. (Although our team still contends that "The US Guide to Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Sinks" is not a fair charades entry. Though we did rock it.) Yesterday it was so foggy and drippy and this morning it was bright and snowing. Perfect for picking out a Christmas tree!!!

(L.'s family traditional day after thanksgiving activity missing K.H. sadly because she had to go back to work in Boston.)

L.'s family found the "perfect tree" and staked their claim with the customary tacky garland so others would know this tree is spoken for and so the tree knows it is loved. While we where there, we decided to pick up a Vermont grown, fresh tree to take down to Brooklyn.

We will post some decorated tree pictures soon - Hopefully not to be destroyed by over excited kitties.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

And now for something completely different

I just found this photoblog and am completely fascinated. It is called "Express Train" and the subject, as you may have guessed, is the NYC Subway system in all its glory. Here is the link and an example of what you will find there.

Like I said before, the subway attracts and repels me all at once. Some of the photos are beautiful, some are ridiculous, and some just do a great job of showing what it is like to slog through the subway everyday. Hope you enjoy it!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Here we come!

Just wanted to share these photos we received from L's Mama. For those of you who may not yet be convinced that Vermont is spectacular, I submit these as evidence...

All this beauty + time with family + turkey = a lot to be thankful for

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

um..... too funny.

I love this. And I have to say that there are not enough raps about ol' vt and I support this one. H. sent to me, and it was the perfect thing to make me laugh out loud after a morning at court. Thanks for seeing it, sweetpea! If you want to see the article look at the article in the NY Times

Monday, November 5, 2007

Reasons to Celebrate

Today we went to the psychologist. She was a required step by our Reproductive Endocrinologist. Although at first we were put off by the fact that our parenthood had to be scrutinized, it was really good to go see her. We had a great conversation about all aspects of our conception and parenthood. Which is uncharted territory in our lives; however, not in the world for sure and we have been really enjoying reading ton's of lesbian mom blogs to see what others are doing (thank you to all of you out there - I have been lurking and gathering a ton of support from you all).

Of course we have have been talking about our future babies for a long time now. We know that H. will be called mom and me mama, we have talked about how we will talk about the donor to our children, and on and on we have talked. But it was really nice to talk to someone else about all this, and she seemed to think we were right on track.

Also, the best outcome of the meeting, was her questioning us about our families and our support networks. We always know we are lucky to have such a wonderful community, BUT....

We are so lucky. Really lucky. Really to the point of making me teary lucky.

Both of our families are excited about an up coming pregnancy. I returned to my office to get an email from one of my "besties" saying congrats on starting prenatal vitamins with the most xoxo's possible. We have a community to bring this not yet conceived baby into.

We were so happy we went to go have coffee and I thought of this place near our doctor, , and we had coffee but we also shared the biggest sundae known to man. (Sometimes, it is really good to be a tourist in your own town.)After all we were celebrating our life, we have so much to be thankful for and so much to look forward to. We know we are going into stressful times, for sure, and we are so thankful to everyone who will be with us on this journey towards babyhood.


Saturday, November 3, 2007

The little purchase for a BIG reason

We just wanted to let all of you know that today we purchased prenatal vitamins that L. will begin taking tomorrow. I can't believe it! So we are almost set to start trying to get pregnant. We are so excited for this new chapter and will keep you all updated as we go along.