Thursday, May 29, 2008

Another great headline.

New York to Back Same-Sex Unions From Elsewhere

Yesterday our governer directed all state agencies to revise policies and regulations to recognize marriages performed in other juristictions. Obviously, this is great news. We had already been thinking of taking a trip to California to get married (again), but now there is even more of an incentive to do so. It is still unclear what impact this will have on baby-related stuff- like if both of our names automatically appear on the birth certificate, but even without knowing that it will be nice to have another legal document. Of course it would be great if we didn't have to fly across the country in order to get legal recognition for our relationship, but I do think that day will come. The tide is turning. By then, we will be the most married people ever.

(Thanks, Allen, for the text alerting me to this development. I love you, too!)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The best headline I have seen.

Monkeys Control Robot Arm With Their Thoughts

And it is real! It comes not from my imagination or the Onion, but from the New York Times. I have not read the story yet; I am still just enjoying the headline. If you want to read about it, you can check it out for yourself here.

I have always feared that one day monkeys and robots would form an alliance. If rats and dolphins hear about this we are really screwed.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Update-with pictures!

Things have been going well here in Brooklyn. Way back in April L’s sister came for a visit and I neglected to publish a photo of our time with her. This was taken at the Brooklyn Flea, a new flea market close to our neighborhood that specializes in cute/trendy hand made things. Especially things with owls printed on them. Owls are the must-have image this season.

Soon after K’s visit (which was wonderful, as always), was L’s birthday. We had a party at a local bar and tons of people showed up. L is a very popular girl. Here is a photo of her birthday cupcakes just before they went into the oven. They were chocolate, frosted with cream cheese frosting or coconut pecan icing. We don’t have any pictures of them when they were all dressed and ready because we had to run out the door to the party.

Things in the garden are going well. Here is a picture of the radishes. Looking good, huh? I am really proud of them. Everything else is growing right along as well.

This tomato is one grown from seed. It will produce heirloom tomatoes, which I am really excited to eat. Delicious!

Here is an aerial view of my garden. The green bags at the bottom are the strawberry bags that helped drive me into the Strawberry Fever of Winter '08. I will hang them in a few days, once the plants’ roots have gotten established. What you may not be able to tell from this picture is that we have 46 strawberry plants growing on our fire escape. Yes!

This photo reminds me of another one…

This is an aerial view of Martha Stewart’s garden. They look pretty similar to me.

And finally, here is Hazel. Boy is she is cute.