Saturday, January 26, 2008

It is DONE!

The surgery is over, and it went well. They did not have to do a big cut, the whole cyst is out, I have my left ovary, and I am not in too much pain. It has been a full week now since the surgery and I am just feeling like myself again. I think basically surgery is a ton of trauma to your body and the pain is for me just becoming really okay and manageable. I have been trying to get off the pain killers and I thought yesterday would be my first drug free day, but by the end of last night I was in a lot of pain, so today I am not setting my self up to fail, but I really just want to rely on Motrin. I have been mainly sitting in an overstuffed chair or lying down in bed or on the couch. Not a bad life really - just not for me. Especially when watching all the design t.v. shows - I just want to get up and move around furniture, paint something, or sew something.

My work friends sent me this, which was so nice, thoughtful and delicious:

I am sure they are wanting me to come on back. I have another 2 weeks of medical leave and I think I will take all of it. Just really to take it easy and be careful with my self. Also I have yet to accomplish the task of leaving the house, which is on the table for tomorrow. I want to feel pretty good before I head back to work where I will be running from court to court and on my feet almost all day.

This is what the physical therapist put on H's finger/hand. She has not received very much therapy per se, i.e. none, and we are hoping the next visit she actually learns to move her finger, because she does not have a lot of mobility at this point:

And this is the most updated finger picture - still not pretty but healing!


Anonymous said...

yay! i'm glad your surgery went well! i think it's a great idea to take the full 2 weeks of leave and get as healthy as you can before you have to go back to work.

rr (from denver)

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that everything's going well. I'm thinking of you so much and wishing we were closer. I'm trying to figure out a visit to NYC soon.

Anonymous said...

You guys are doing a wonderful job of catering to the “blood & guts” demographic of your viewership. The photos of H’s mangled claw (as it will henceforth be referred to) are terrific. It’s good to see that she is carrying on her family’s legacy of permanently deformative finger injuries.

H – don’t think this gets you off the hook for posting stuff on this blog. You can leave out all the Q’s, A’s, and Z’s. We’ll still get the gist of what you’re trying to say.

L – I’m very happy that it was a successful surgery. But don’t be a hero! My tip - those percs go down much easier when lubricated with a little Captain Morgan.


e said...

woohoo. two surgeries out of the way. I'm glad to hear everyone is on the way to healing.
ryan would give the same advice on painkillers as mike. i wouldn't know.
my advice. pick up knitting while laying on the couch watching the design shows. you could knit some baby booties! heehee
love you both lots!

Anonymous said...

You haven't told your loyal readers that you've taken up quilting while you've been recuperating. Your pillows are lovely and you both are two. EFS.