Tuesday, January 15, 2008

So Much for a Quick Update

I am sorry it has been so long with no update about H.'s finger. The surgery itself went well. She was supposed to be in "Twilight" but was expressing during the surgery that she was in pain so they put her under general anesthesia. Two pins and some cadaver bone later she has been doing pretty well the last 2 weeks. She has been experiencing a good amount of pain, and she has had to rely on pain medication which she does not like. Most of the options are not great, with Vicodin being the biggest loser.
Yesterday H.'s cast came off. Sadly we did not get pictures of her in it. But we did get a picture this morning of her finger. It is not pretty folks, not pretty... but the Dr. said he thought that it was healing, and he was happy she had feeling in the tip of her finger. I am going to post it in a different post with a password, in case you don't want to see at all, or at this time. (*** Update I can't do a password protect on one post in Blogger - I am very disappointed about that - And just spent the last couple of minutes looking at other hosts - there maybe a blog move in our future. For now, H.s finger is at the bottom of this post. You are warned.) I am very sensitive to injuries to the hands (those of you who know me well, know that i am against all torture, but I really hate it on t.v. when someones hands are being tortured.... ughhh...)
More posts to come soon I promise. For real. I will be home for the next 3 weeks because of my surgery on thursday and I honestly can't imagine how I am going to fill my time. Ellen is only on t.v. for one hour. That leaves 9 other hours without company save our dear kitties.


Anonymous said...

HOLY PHALANGE! HAM, that is one hell of a good story. You are the bravest toaster ever. SLH, when can I bring multitudes of DVDs to you? We can find ways to fill those hours! xo, EFS.

Anonymous said...

Woah! That looks gruesome. Poor H. Glad the surgery went well though and thanks for posting the pics - I'm always fascinated by stuff like that.

I'm going to plug wordpress to you - you can protect single posts with it and I love it loads more than blogger. You can move your whole blog there at the click of a button. Come on over to the dark side - you know you'll love it!

Anonymous said...

I told you something like this would happen if you kept punching H in the nose.

And yeah, my neighbors were really happy when you started this blog because I was taking my voyeuristic tendancies out on your blog rather than watching them. But you really are slacking. Get writin!

H - I loved my NH primary day txt message. I truly never voted like that before! Love.