Saturday, October 13, 2007

Fall is HERE!!!

This is from the Onion - Why, why are they so funny? I post it because, we are experiencing now for the first time fall weather. Last weekend K.H. was here, we went to the beach, and it felt weird ordering a 3-in-1 winter jacket from LLbean. (It is so chilly right now that I have checked the tracking status 3 times in the last two days.) Autumn is my favorite season, perhaps because it is pretty in Vermont, or because I see it as a start to a new year because it was when we all went back to school. I now just want to settle in, bake and perhaps watch a movie. I am of course working tonight but I did make homemade bread for H.Mclhibbertian's breakfast. I am already thinking of the apple crisp I am going to make tomorrow after our Sunday hike. This weather is causing us to close the windows and the radiators are on in all their hissing glory. It is wonderful. I am not complaining about last weekend's weather either though.... there is something wonderful and strange about going to the beach on the 1st weekend of October.

We actually went in the water, and it was wonderful, chilly but not unreasonably so. It was so good to get those last wave jumping needs out of our systems before autumn really hit.

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