Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Gettin' Crafty

So we have been inspired by design shows and we have gone crafty in our house. I wanted to share our efforts.

We needed new pillows for the bed so we purchased this great quilt fabric and made our own covers in sort of a modern quilt pattern:

AND our biggest and most proud accomplishment is that we rehabbed an old dresser and made a t.v. stand out of it. We recieved a wonderful t.v. for christmas by combining gift cards from best*buy (thank you everyone!!), and since then have been trying to figure out how to incorporate the large t.v. into our living room without it completely taking over. We had the TV on H's old 3-drawer dresser but realized that it would be better to have it lower to the ground. Everything I read said the t.v. should be at eye level. So we went to ikea on friday night to get ideas and also to look at chairs (because I think we need to replace the giant chair in our living room-but that is another story). There were tons of opitions but all in the $150 price range - which we were not too excited about...... so........ this dresser that previously had 3 drawers:

turned into this:

I wish we had better pictures of the before, unfortunetely we thought of that AFTER we cut off the two top drawers. Here is what we did: removed the top, cut off the 2 top drawers (that were always a pain to use because they stuck so badly and made H. cry on more than one morning), re-attached the top, and then attached the shelving we made to house the components. It was really great, we both were so proud of ourselves - I was mainly the measurer and planner and H. was in charge of the jig-sawing and various other production skills - it was so fun. I now have visions of chopping up other furniture to make it perfect. We found a green alternative to buying something new, and it was considerably cheaper-about 20 dollars in paint and new handles. Also I have found a website I am obsessed with. We ended up painting our new t.v. stand a deep purple, which from afar looks black or brown but up close is definately purple - It ended up looking realitively modern.

Also, for those who love surgical matters, here is Hazel's incision from being fixed. I am hoping this is the last of our surgery stories to be posted on the blog - I guess we will know for sure on thursday. Yikkes - I hope Hazel's was the last. 3 surgeries in 30 days is enough.

Hazel did great for her surgery (as it said on the bottom of her discharge papers-highlighted and with three exclamation points!!!) and she has not really been bothering the stiches, except in the beginning when I was sure was saying to herself...."what happened? I always have a furry belly and now I don't. What the ???" She looked so bewildered. It must be very strange to wake up and to want to clean up only to lick something that does not feel like any belly you have ever licked. She was so very cute. However...a word to anyone who wants to adopt a kitty... .don't rescue someone from the street - it ends up being very expensive because you don't get any shelter deals - it is cheaper to adopt through a kitty rescue-she is now in the 800 dollar range - but she is priceless.

Also I wanted to give a picture of sadie lovin on her. Despite her surgery she is a happy kitty, mainly because she loves her sisters so very much, and she has also discovered that she likes to sit in laps!!!


Lo said...

Wow. I am in awe of your projects.

(I think I live near you, too.)

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! I love all the craftiness. I'm very impressed. Miss you ladies.