Friday, February 15, 2008

Update and love.

H. had a 2nd opinion yesterday and it was the best possible outcome - no surgery!!! She needs to soak it every day so the large scab will come off, and the bad news was that this doctor did not think her swollen finger would reduce in size dramatically. Which is disappointing since it is currently almost double in width. But no surgery that is wonderful

We also had a wonderful valentines day yesterday: we went to whole foods and made dinner at home - ribs, mashed potatoes, salad, and sundaes with fresh berries and homemade chocolate. The dinner was excellent if we do say so ourselves and we were so stuffed that niether of us could finish our sundaes... it was the height of yumminess.

These are the pussy willows that H. gave me - much better then roses - I think.
I hope everyone else had a wonderful day in whatever form you celebrate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh thank goodness. I still can't believe HAM constructed a TV table with a swollen pinky. Ovaries of steel, that one. Happy valentimes to both of you. xoEFS